EXTRA information is available for North Yorkshire residents gain help with the cost of living.

North Yorkshire County Council has collated information on various emergency hardship funds and energy support schemes from itself and others.

The cost of living webpage also contains information for families needing to access free wi-fi for children’s school work, or people looking to save money on their commute by signing up to a liftshare scheme.

Details of childcare funding and where to find debt or benefits advice are also included, along with details of funding schemes to help meet the cost of insulating homes.”

The webpage comes as Harrogate District’s Foodbank manager Dawn Cussons reporting 270 families were helped in the Harrogate and Knaresborough area last month.

Dawn said this was an affluent area, with ‘lots of need’ but also much support.

A recent development from higher fuel prices, was people asking for things to go in a microwave, instead of being heated in the oven as they try not to use electricity.

“One of our volunteers served in the Army and has adjusted the donations we ask for, so we can hand out more nutritious, energy-rich food. We now give out extra things like butter, nuts, raisins and honey and things that can go in the microwave,” she added.

For details, go to:www.northyorks.gov.uk/cost-living-support