MBT shoes and trainers were invented by a man called Karl Muller, who discovered that by walking on soft ground, the pain he was suffering in his back, knees, hips and achilles tendon decreased.

Masai barefoot technology, or MBT, is the first physiological footwear - in other words, footwear that has a positive effect on the whole body. The concept behind MBT is based on a straightforward insight: the human musculo-skeletal system is designed to walk barefoot on soft, natural ground. We, however, walk almost exclusively on hard, flat surfaces. Practical proof of the effectiveness of MBTs can be provided by the Masai, a semi-nomadic tribe from East Africa well known for their excellent posture. Joint and back pain are mostly unknown to the Masai.

One of the body's most complex tasks is to keep itself balanced and upright when standing and walking. The body's supporting system is responsible for this.

Conventional shoes support and lead the foot, stabilising the body in an unnatural way. This means muscles are not being used effectively and inactive muscles can lead to wastage and subsequently many health problems of modern day, such as back pain.

The second you start to wear a pair of MBTs you experience the difference between physiological footwear and conventional shoes. Wearing MBTs is like walking barefoot on a beach, a very comfortable feeling but also challenging, acting as a small workout for the entire body.

There are a multitude of proven benefits to wearing MBTs. MBTs help reduce stress and strain on the knee and hips by upto 19 per cent through improved posture. When wearing the MBTs the abdominals, back, legs and buttock muscles get a workout through increased muscle activity. Even when you are standing in MBTs the body will burn calories and stimulate your metabolism, as it needs to recruit more muscles.

Many athletes use MBTs to prevent injuries and to recover quicker after competitions and training. Busy people also find it beneficial to use MBTs because they do not have much time to exercise.

* Christian Fox is a personal trainer, sports massage therapist and nutritional advisor working in and around York.