HOW heartening to hear that pollution is down in The Groves (The Press, September 1), though of course the motorbikes must be annoying.

I wonder if anyone has checked the pollution levels in Lord Mayors Walk where all the traffic has been diverted to?

I should think the residents there would be happy if there were only a few extra motorcycles.

What is so special about The Groves that car journeys should be tripled for some journeys (ie: taking my 98 year old father to the hospital) to protect them?

M Lumley

Address supplied


I'M sorry that Mr Cox in his letter to the Press ('I'm alright, Jack over The Groves') and how he begrudges a large population of The Groves the right to a better quality of life and a freedom from the incessant noise.

Free from the modern day curse of queuing traffic and associated pollution.

Over the years various of the councils in York have slowly been closing 'the rat runs' in York - Haxby to Wigginton Road comes readily to mind - but many others have been implemented over the years. Perhaps if I lived in a cul-de-sac I would have a more blinkered opinion.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,

