PEOPLE across Yorkshire are being urged to swap work clothes and uniforms for their brightest outfits to raise funds for a blindness charity.

Henshaws Society For Blind People, which provides care and support to visually-impaired people in the north of England, is asking everyone to go to school, college or work in their most garish clothes on Wear Bright For Sight Day on May 9.

The charity, affiliated with Harrogate-based Henshaws College, wants schoolchildren taking part in the fundraiser to donate £1.

People wearing bright clothes in the workplace are asked to contribute £2.

A spokesperson said: "You could wear your best party outfit, you could wear your most outrageous outfit, you could create a really colourful hairstyle, get out that old fancy dress outfit, or just wear your most garish tie.

"We don't really mind what you wear as long as it's bright and in the spirit of the event."

For further information or to register for Wear Bright for Sight Day phone 01423 814500.