A MEMBER of a prominent North Yorkshire family has died, aged 58.

The honourable Henry Howard, brother of the honourable Simon Howard, who lives in Castle Howard and manages the estate, has died after suffering with illness since before Christmas.

Henry Howard, described as a "talented musician and a real personality", lived on the Castle Howard estate, in Welburn, for about four years prior to his death, and before that he lived in Slingsby.

Henry, who died on Thursday night, was born on March 17, 1950, to Lord George Howard and Lady Cecilia Howard.

He was the eldest of four brothers, the honourable Nicholas Howard, the honourable Simon Howard, and the honourable Michael Howard, all of whom he is survived by.

The honourable Nicholas Howard said: "The family are very sad to hear of the death of Henry Howard. He had been ill since before Christmas, so his death was not unexpected.

"Henry was not quite like anyone else and his uniqueness connected itself to anyone he met. He will be missed greatly."

Richard Stansfield, a friend of Henry's, and The Press's cartoonist, said Henry entered every single Yorkatt&Eric competition in The Press, whereby readers send in a speech bubble to go with a cartoon, supplied by Richard.

Richard said: "He was a talented musician - he played keyboard and 12-string guitar. I think he'll be very sadly missed in Welburn - he was a real part of the community."