POLICE are urging residents to stop thieves from taking advantage of the hot weather - by making sure they close their windows and doors at night.

Police are urging people to lock up their back doors and their windows in the evenings, to prevent a spate of burglaries similar to those experienced last year.

The warning comes after a house in York was burgled when a window was left open last week. There has also been an increase in the number of houses targeted because doors were left unlocked during the warmer weather.

York Police spokesman Colin Ventress said: "The problem is that at this time of year, people do open their windows quite frequently - but quite frequently forget to shut them before they go to bed. But it's an open invitation.

"We are asking people to please be aware and secure the ground floor of their property at night."

Jane Mowat, director of the Safer York Partnership, has also warned residents not to leave their doors and windows unlocked as the weather improves.

She said: "As the weather gets warmer, it is tempting to leave windows open and doors unlocked. Please don't invite thieves into your home. Make sure you close your downstairs windows and lock your doors at night."

Police in the city are winning the battle on burglary, but are appealing to homeowners to do their bit.

Domestic burglary fell by eight per cent in 12 months, from 1,022 in 2006 to 945 in 2007.