POLICE were called to a top York hotel following the sudden death of a man, it has emerged.

An inquest opened on Thursday into the death of David Lewis Rees on August 11 at The Grand in Station Rise - York's only five star hotel.

Coroner Jon Heath said Mr Rees, 78, of Seattle, in America, was found in a room with a gas canister and a bag, and the provisional cause of death was asphyxiation and helium exposure.

He adjourned the hearing to a later date.

North Yorkshire Police said that officers were called to reports of a sudden death at the Grand Hotel shortly after 3.30pm on August 11, and a report was compiled for the coroner.

Simon Mahon, general manager at The Grand, said he had no comment to make on Mr Rees, other than to say: "Our thoughts are with him and his family at this sad time."