THE lessons of Ryedale House, Stonebow House, and all the other post war blunders has not been learnt. York’s skyline is again to be defiled.

The so-called Roman Quarter, straight out of the Chicago school of architecture, is approved. All ten storeys of it.

A scheme of such height and bulk might be fine in Leeds or Manchester but it has no place in this special city of York.

All those householders refused consent for a domestic extension will be perplexed that their little project was rejected by the same planners that have supported yet another mega development completely out of scale with the character of this ancient city.

If the choice was to accept a redevelopment of this magnitude or have no development take place at all then I would rather see things left as they are. Leave the Roman archaeology in place for a future generation to excavate. One that has more respect for Eboracum.

Matthew Laverack,


Lord Mayors Walk,



I miss One Nation Tories

I MISS the One Nation Conservatives. Whatever happened to them? Though not of that persuasion, I feel quite nostalgic for them. Some of the more senior ‘Tory Democrats’ are still around but their younger equivalents have tended to receive short shrift in recent years.

Will there be a resurgence at national level of the ‘left wing (in relative terms)’ of the Conservative party?

Watch this pendulum!

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive



Stag and hen party zone plan criticised

MATT Mavir playing the ‘NIMBY’ card is a joke! £10m income to the local economy? he claims, but what about the cost to the public and residents of York?

Do we really want our beautiful historic city badged the stag and hen capital of the North? Absolutely not.

Andy Knowles,

Vyner Street,
