A “PREDATORY” online sex offender is back behind bars because he evaded police checks while on parole.

Adam Matthew William Lee, now 32, was jailed for two years in March 2021 after he used social media to try to persuade people he believed were schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 to perform sexual acts online. They were actually adults and told police about him.

As part of the sentence at York Crown Court, he was made subject to a 10-year sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) that enables police to monitor his online activities.

Recorder Andrew Dallas told Lee after hearing details of his crimes: “It shows you were behaving in a way that was predatory.”

York Magistrates Court heard that following his release partway through the sentence, he bought an internet device which he concealed from supervising officers.

Lee, of Burnsall Drive, Holgate, pleaded guilty to breaching the SHPO between September 20 and October 7 this year.

He was jailed for 34 weeks. Magistrates told him his new offence was very serious because he had been on prison licence at the time and it was a breach of a court order.

In addition to the prison term, Lee was ordered to pay a £187 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs. He remains subject to the SHPO until March 2031.

Read why Recorder Dallas called Lee "predatory" here.