Respected business broadcaster and journalist Simon Jack is one of several high-profile expert speakers confirmed to take part in ‘The Past and Future of York City Centre’ next month.

As part of York Business Festival, the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub is running an evening event focusing on what the future holds for retail, leisure, and attraction-based businesses in the city centre.

Held at the Guildhall on Tuesday November 8, discussions will be chaired by Simon Jack, who has insights few can rival having interviewed some of the biggest names in UK and international commerce and covered key events in business, including the 2008 financial crash.

Known for his down-to-earth approach and humour, Simon, the BBC's business editor,  is well-placed to explain the complexities of economics and industry to experts and the layperson alike.

Joining Simon is a range of local business owners and leaders who will share their insights and experiences on the current challenges, and keys to success for businesses in York.

Panellists include: Emma Godivala, York Gin; Philip Bolson, Hospitality Expert and Owner, Mr B Hospitality; Chris Bush, York BID; Carolyn Frank, Federation of Small Businesses; David Skaith, Owner, Winstons of York and Chair, York High Street Forum; Alison Laws, York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub; and Rebecca Hill, Owner, Galtres Lodge and Forest restaurant and Chair, Indie York.

The event will explore the trends and solutions around topics such as e-commerce, changing consumer behaviour, staffing, funding, increasing costs, and the role of local and regional bodies. The evening forms part of a full day of networking events and a variety of seminars and workshops at the Guildhall, all geared to growing business in challenging times.

Andrew Raby, Manager of the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, said: “Thriving local businesses are essential to our local economy and we are delighted to welcome Simon and our inspirational panellists to discuss growth opportunities that are available, even in challenging times.

"This evening event offers a unique chance to listen, talk to, and learn from successful York-based entrepreneurs and business owners about the opportunities and keys to success in the local area.”

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