COMMISSIONER Zoe Metcalfe has shared her progress and ongoing plans to tackle violence against women and girls in York and North Yorkshire.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Zoe Metcalfe, launched a plan to keep women and girls safe in York and North Yorkshire back in June 2022.

This work is led by the Joint Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Delivery Group, who have set six objective to tackle violence against women and girls through a person-centred and trauma- informed approach.

These objectives are: listening to women and girls, including those from underrepresented backgrounds, prevention and early intervention to tackle the roots causes, increasing trust in police, enhancing support services, facilitating behaviour change of perpretrators, and strengthening a multi-agency approach to address violence.

To succeed in these objectives, the VAWG group has conducted victim and survivor focus groups involving over 30 women, and an anonymous open online survey, which 332 people responded to, to help direct their work.

They have also increased the reporting of misogny, stalking and street harassment to North Yorkshire Police, and referrals, access, and engagement to VAWG's specialist victim support services.

Commissioner Zoë said: "I’m proud of the progress we are making as a partnership to tackle violence against women and girls in North Yorkshire and York, whilst continuing to have dedicated services to support women and girls at incredibly vulnerable times in their lives.

"But there is still work to be done - as your Commissioner, I am committed to delivering on each objective set out in our VAWG strategy. 

"Within six months of work, we have already improved outcomes for an increased number of victims accessing VAWG specialist support services than in the previous 12 months – demonstrating how putting a spotlight on VAWG is making a difference across our community.

Now, over the next six months, the team will focus on: expanding gender-specific services, raising awareness of violence in educational establishments, develop safe spaces in the city and town centres, as well as online, improve experiences of those going through criminal justice processes, and facilitate a community champions network.

Commissioner Metcalfe added: "By June 2023 I hope we can create further tangible change that makes women and girls feel safe and be safe, wherever they are and whatever they are doing."

Commissioner Zoë has also established a VAWG Strategic Governance Board to monitor progress against the six objectives to provide transparency and accountability on how police, fire and other local organisations are improving the safety of women and girls.

To view short films about VAWG’s support services, click here.

To take part in their survey about public trust in North Yorkshire Police, click here.