RESIDENTS in a York suburb have hit out at council chiefs after a car crash demolished a wall and damaged houses for the second time in a year.

The residents of The Old Village in York were shocked after a car being driven by a woman in her 90s was said to have crashed into their homes on Monday (December 19) - causing significant damage to the wall and the front of the houses.

The woman had to be taken to hospital and is now recovering at home.

A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said: "Officers attended a report of a collision between a Skoda car and a wall in Huntington at 3.50pm on December 19.

"The driver, a woman in her 90s, was taken to hospital with a head injury.”

Jan Jones, who lives in one of the damaged houses, said she is "unsettled and upset" by the crash - as only a year ago a similar incident happened in the street.

York Press: The damage to the wall after the crash in The Old VillageThe damage to the wall after the crash in The Old Village (Image: UGC)

Jan said: "We are very grateful the injured lady has returned home and is recovering. But, this time last year my front boundary wall was hit by a van and considerable damage occurred. Sadly the driver pulled away and disappeared into Strensall Road never to be seen again.

"The police were unable to trace the van as it had illegal number plates, so the case was closed leaving me to deal with the stress of putting the damage right."

Now, one year on, Jan and her neighbours find themselves in a similar situation, but this time there is more damage to the two houses.

Jan's neighbour, Alison Harvey, said that local residents have contacted City of York Council to request traffic calming measures on the road, but they say they have had little to no response.

Alison claimed that the road, which she described as a "rat run," is also no longer gritted during the winter months as it is not considered to be a major route. So the residents are forced to grit the road themselves.

York Press: The bend in The Old Village where the crash happened on MondayThe bend in The Old Village where the crash happened on Monday (Image: UGC)

Speaking on contacting the council, Jan said: "I feel extremely upset. Various incidents have occurred over the years and I fail to understand why the council have not put traffic calming measures in place - I am at a loss.

"If the council do not deal with this situation there will eventually be yet another road traffic accident.

"It needs to be acknowledged, all residents on this bend have high stress levels as day by day we see cars, vans and even lorries coming straight towards us.

"I feel distraught at what is ahead of me, as apart from dealing with my health problems I now have to deal with resolving insurance claims and everything connected with the repairs."

The Press contacted City of York Council for comment.