FREE and personalised health advice delivered by qualified trainers is on offer to York residents.

City of York Council's Health Trainers are offering residents a chance to receive confidential health advice for free.

The Health Trainer will develop personal health plans virtually, over the phone, or face to face.

The council's campaign this year focuses on stopping smoking, lowering alcohol intake, being a healthy weight, and being physically active.

Over 700 residents have benefitted from the free health service so far, which is available for all York residents aged 16 years and over.

The council has also joined up with Slimming World to offer a free 12-week weight management programme, which is open to York residents, aged 18 years and over, with a body mass index of 30-plus, or 25-plus for those from ethnic minority groups.

Cllr Carol Runciman, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care said: "It’s been a really tough for many people, and right now you might want to feel both better physically and emotionally, but find it hard to put in place those healthy habits that will make the biggest difference.

"Our free health training service has helped hundreds of residents to consider making choices that will improve their health and wellbeing, and they can help you too!

"Whether that be stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake or generally helping people to get physically more active, our Health Trainers have ideas for everyone.

“We want to help you make positive lifestyle changes, and there is no better time to take the first steps than in the New Year.”

To sign up, visit: and complete the online referral form, message us at 07789 946 384, call 01904 553377 or email