MORE than a third of people in York have the highest level of qualifications, the new census results show.

Office for National Statistics have found that 38.8 per cent of residents in York had a higher qualification (level 4 or above), such as a university degree, postgraduate qualification, or higher national certificate or diploma, when the last census was carried out in March 2021.

This was a higher proportion than the national average, which stands at 33.8 per cent, of all the census respondents in England and Wales who had achieved a higher qualification.

At the other end of the scale, 13.3 per cent of York residents said they had no qualification at the time of the last census, below the national average of 18.2 per cent.

The North East had the lowest proportion of people with Level 4 or above qualifications, with the East Midlands at a similar level.

London was found to have the highest proportion of people with a higher qualification, with almost half of all the capital's residents holding a degree or higher level certificate.