A DRAMATIC police chase through York and North Yorkshire will feature on a reality TV show tonight (January 30).

Tonight's Traffic Cops episode focuses on young and inexperienced drivers with a teenage driver in a stolen car risking everything during a pursuit which starts in York and ends in Boroughbridge.

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A police spokesman said: "Our traffic cops were forced to act quickly to stop the vehicle joining the A1.

"Also tonight see what happened when a teenager went for a spin in his mum’s car wearing his pyjamas.

"He lost control and the vehicle overturned at speed.

"The teenager faces a night in hospital and some tough questions from our traffic cops."

You can watch Traffic Cops on Channel 5 at 8pm tonight.

Traffic Cops, which debuted in 2003, follows the lives of front line police officers at work across England, narrated by Jamie Theakston.