A new park for the centre of York is just weeks away.

The park on College Green, due open in April, is now entering its final phase of works.

All the main design elements by local company PWP Design are now in place. These include accessible seating, low-level play features for families, a central stone feature, new cherry trees, and paths.

The final stage taking place this month will see re-turfing and wildflowers added to finish the scheme. The grass and wildflower turf has been provided by local company Lindum.

To allow the turf to settle undisturbed before the park opens to the public, fencing has been erected along the footpath surrounding College Green.

Pedestrians are being directed to the opposite footpath for access along College Street while the fencing is in place.

This project is being funded by the Chapter of York, York Minster Fund, Friends of York Minster, York BID, and Make It York.

In addition to committing their own funds, York BID secured a grant from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in 2019 to deliver this project. Lindum also gave support.