AN ARMY major in York has completed a gruelling cycling challenge to raise money to support the city's hospital - after being knocked off his bike in York during the ride.

Robbie Cryer, trustee of The Friends of York Hospitals, met the challenge of cycling around all the York and Scarborough Teaching hospitals NHS Foundation Trust premises on Saturday February 25 to raise funds to enhance patient care at York Hospital.

Setting out early morning, Robbie made it back in one piece despite a bad start when he was knocked off his bike in York.

Arriving at Whitecross Court at midnight, he completed the circuit around the hospitals of the York and Scarborough NHS Trust, 251km and 7861 calories later.

York Press: Robbie Cryer is a keen cyclistRobbie Cryer is a keen cyclist (Image: UGC)

Robbie Cryer, a major in the British Army, based at the Headquarters of the 1st Division, said that all of the funds raised will go towards scalp cooling equipment for the hospital to help to prevent hair loss during chemotherapy treatment.

Scalp cooling is intended to help prevent hair loss, also known as chemotherapy-induced alopecia, in people undergoing Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment (SACT). It works by limiting blood flow to the scalp. Cooling the scalp in known to reduce the amount of the SACT that reaches the hair follicles, protecting them from the cytotoxic drugs which cause the alopecia. The service is offered to both male and female patients for a variety of SACT regimens known to induce alopecia.

On average approximately 50 patients per month choose to go for scalp cooling at the York and Scarborough NHS Trust. But it is expected that demand will increase as more people are diagnosed with cancer and survive longer with more treatment opportunities available to them.

Robbie's online donation page remains open - and if you wish to donate, it can be accessed at:

The Friends of York Hospitals (FOYH) is a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation which was founded in 1953.

The charity has two main roles which are to provide hospital volunteers who help the patients and support the staff at York Hospital - and raise money for the hospital to buy equipment and services to complement NHS provision.

The charity has contributed funds to provide equipment and facilities over the years. Recent projects include raising money for Safer Biopsy Equipment at £45,000, a Podiatry Shockwave Therapy Unit at £13,000, a Voice Amplifier at £64,000, Visual Fields Equipment for Vangard Eye Service at £40,000, a Music Therapist at £22,000 and Artwork for Vangard at £8,000.

Further details on the charity can be found on the website at: