HAVE you ever spotted this ghost sign in York?

You have to look high up - and from the other side of the road to see it.

Recognise the spot?

Head down to the town end of Stonebow - stand in front of the old Stonebow House - and look over the road.

The building is currently a bar, Cat in the Wall, which opened last year. Previously it was Moda hair salon.

Eagle-eyed Graham Cross posted these images in our online nostalgia group, Why We Love York - Memories.

He said: "Out dog walking early Sunday and noticed this ghost sign on a shop in the Stonebow. W&H or possibly W&M. Anyone shine any light on it? I have slight memories of it being a music shop."

Well, Graham came to the right place because soon members of the group were piling in with their memories.



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Julie Brandon was quick to correct Graham - it was W&H and stood for Woollon & Harwood, a former ironmongers.

She said: "It was Woollon and Harwood originally - a bit like Barnitt's." And Graham's memory was right - it later became a music shop, Gough & Davy.

People had fond memories of both places.

Geraldine Fox said: "It was a shop called Woollon and Harwood’s which sold crockery, glassware, dinner services. It was quite a high-class shop that closed in the late 70s."

Simon Springett recalled Woollon's having a shop in Thirsk till 2013 and pointed out it was still a registered business address in Acomb.

Simon Sid Bartle said there was also a W&H in Malton for many years.

Chris Lucas remembered the Gough & Davy music shop being in the building - next to The Terrace pub.

As did Julie Brandon: "Gough & Davy replaced Woollon & Harwood. I went there to a music class on an evening."

York Press: Close up of the ghost sign in StonebowClose up of the ghost sign in Stonebow

Ewan White added: "I bought my very first keyboard from Gough & Davy and use to buy Making Music magazine from there."

And Helen Shaw had a question: "Am I right in thinking there was a symbol of a treble clef on the side of this building when it was the music shop?"

Well was there?

We'd love to hear your memories, stories and see your old photos of this place.

Please join us on Facebook in our group, Why We Love York - Memories. You will find us at: www.facebook.com/groups/yorknostalgia/