A York family say their home is infested with "red bugs" - and they wake up in the morning with the creatures "walking all over us and the ceiling". 

The family, who are tenants of the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, say they are having ongoing problems with their property, including repairs, which are not being resolved.

The Joseph Rowntree Trust said it is working to fix the problems as soon as possible and it had hired a contractor to tackle the bugs.

The family, who do not wish to be named, live in Hawthorn Terrace in New Earswick with five children under the age of eight. They say have complained to the trust about problems with the property for more than two years.

As well as the infestation of small, red bugs, the family say they have a broken back door and broken window in one of the children's bedrooms, neither of which close properly

One of the residents said: "We wake up to these small, little, red bugs walking all over us and the ceiling.

"They're all over the kids' clothes so we've had to chuck away clothes and cereal boxes and replace the carpets as they were all over the old ones.

"The back door and one of our children's windows won't keep closed, and we have to keep topping up the meter to keep warm due to the drafts.

"The trust have been round and acknowledged that the repairs need to be done and that there is a pest infestation, but they just won't deal with it. 

"We've had enough of this now."

York Press: The broken windowThe broken window (Image: The residents)

A spokesperson for the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust said: "We can confirm that the resident has contacted us regarding issues with both their back door and window. We have previously attended to survey the matter and make repairs.  

"We can now confirm that one of our repairs managers attended the property again (last) week. We are working to resolve these matters as promptly as possible.

"We have ordered a new door and arranged an urgent repair for the window. We are aware that the door is not a standard construction and will take further time to arrive.  

York Press: The red bug infestation The red bug infestation (Image: The residents)

"In addition, we have been made aware of an insect infestation. Although this is the responsibility of the resident on this occasion, as a gesture of goodwill, we have agreed to pay for the treatment and instructed a suitable contractor.  

"JRHT is very sorry that we have not completed the work in a timelier way, and we understand that the resident feels let down with the speed of our response to these issues.  

"We are reviewing our approach to ensure a better response to such matters in the future and will keep in close contact with the resident to advise of our progress."