Labour has confirmed its opposition to Haxby’s proposed railway station being sited in Towthorpe Road.

York Labour leader Cllr Claire Douglas gave her view as Haxby Town Council stages an extraordinary council meeting at 7.30pm tonight (Thursday, March 9) in the Oaken Grove Centre.

The meeting aims to “agree the position” for the town council on the station and “agree a statement” concerning plans for 800 houses north of Haxby.

Cllr Douglas says Labour has consistently supported plans for a railway station in Haxby.

York Press: Cllr Claire DouglasCllr Claire Douglas (Image: Staff)

She told the Press: “We have argued that it needs to form part of an integrated transport system with sustainable, easy access for pedestrians, wheelers, cyclists and drivers.

“We agree with Haxby Town Council that Towthorpe Road is not the ideal place for the station and if elected in May, we will press the Government to allow time to locate the station at a more logical site.”

Cllr Douglas added: “Labour will explore other options on where to locate the station should we be in control of the council come May, but if Towthorpe Road has been left as the only option and the Goverment is inflexible, then that’s where the station will be”.

Tonight’s meeting follows Liberal Democrat councillors in Haxby and York urging people to rally around the Towthorpe Road location, which is favoured by the Lib-Dem led city council.

They argue that delays could threaten government funding towards the station and place it in jeopardy.

The meeting also follows Haxby resident Roland Pearson launching a one-man campaign against current proposals, claiming “unprecedented support.”

After the Press reported on his fight, including comments from Liberal Democrat councillors opposing his view, former Haxby Town Council chairman Mark Guildford said the town council had already given its views on the station in December 2021.

Cllr Guildford told the Press: “Haxby Town Council discussed the proposed rail station with the City of York project team and stated very clearly that we felt the location was not suitable.

"Based on a survey by the community group working on our Neighbourhood Plan, public opinion seems to favour siting any potential station near the ring road.

"As a result of those discussions the town council asked town councillor Ian Craven to attend a meeting of the City of York council to convey our view.”

Cllr Craven, a member of the town council’s neighbourhood planning team, confirmed this, adding  Towthorpe Road was vulnerable to congestion, which would be worse if the 800 homes were built.

However, town council vice chairman Ruth Pearson said tonight’s meeting was called by chairman Grant Cockburn for ‘clarification’ of the town council’s view on the station site.

“We are absolutely 100 per cent against the homes,” she added.

Haxby & Wiggington city councillor Andrew Hollyer (Lib-Dem) said the station was “proceeding as expected” and a planning application for it was due “fairly soon.”