FROM terraces of supporters to terraces of plants.

The final landscaping details to the former York City FC ground have now been submitted to City of York Council.

The move follows Persimmon gaining approval in August 2020 to build 93 homes Minstermen home of 90 years.

It also follows the developers £7m purchase of the Bootham site last April, after York City FC relocated to LNER Community Stadium in February 2021 and demolishing the site last August.

The stepped area where so many York City FC fans once stood will form part of a landscape scheme and memorial garden.

It adds to the naming of streets after York City legends, as the Press has also reported.

The garden will include part of the centre circle of the old pitch, with some reclaimed terracing using an old Bootham Crescent turnstile.

The design proposals for the 4.25ha site follow consultation with York City Supporters’ Trust and Historic England.

Planning documents said: “The brief to our architects was to create a safe and attractive terrace, which could be used by members of the public as seating and which retained as many features of the stand as possible.”

They continued: “The main concept involves adding planters to the terrace, while leave the central area of steps clear, to aid in the visual memory of the stand and to create a walkway for maintenance.

“The planters will contain a mix of species which provide colour year-round and spring/summer flowering species to provide a red and white setting for part of the year.”

The numbering of the terrace rows will also be replicated on the side of the planters.

“Where the steps are exposed and not covered by planters, the upstands create an opportunity for lettering to be added commemorating results in the Club’s history, players’ names or milestones in the stadium’s history.

“The precise lettering to be added will be decided by the Trust, with input from fans.”

They also said: “Seating areas will be provided on the lower steps in the form of timber benches. A set of barriers, reclaimed from the old terrace, will be erected in front of the seating area, which can be redolent of pitch-side arrangement.”

Furthermore: “The reclaimed railings from the pop stand can be added to the sides of the terrace to enclose the upper parts.”

The retained terrace will be in the southern end of the memorial garden, with a courtyard garden in the north having areas of bench seating.

The footpath within the memorial garden has been amended to have block paving, allowing supporters to sponsor memorial blocks.

There would also be a flagpole, whose maintenance along with the garden would become the responsibility of the Supporters Trust.

The application added the trust proposes to manage the site through fundraising. Other public areas would be transferred to a management company.