A MAN has been left with a hearing problem after being attacked in the street in York.

North Yorkshire Police say a man was assaulted in York on Sunday evening (March 27), between 9pm and 10pm on Sunday, 26 March as the victim walked between Pop World and Artful Dodger on Micklegate.

A police spokesman said: "As a result the victim, a man in his 50s, received an injury to his left eye and a hearing impairment.

"Officers are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the incident or the events surrounding it to come forward.

"They are particularly keen to identify a man described as Asian, approximately 6ft tall, around 30 years old and who was wearing a tight white t-shirt.

"If you can help our investigation, please contact North Yorkshire Police by calling 101, selecting option 2 and asking for PC 903 Mason."

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference 12230053834 when providing information.