A MAJOR thief has been banned from a large part of York.

Sean James Beard has been made the subject of a Criminal Behaviour Order to prevent offending.

The 31-year-old York man was last jailed for four weeks in January this year for interfering with a car in Acomb and before that in 2021 he went on a crime spree in the days leading up to Christmas and was jailed for 36 weeks.

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From Monday (April 3), North Yorkshire Police say Beard, of Acomb, has been ordered by York Magistrates Court:
• not to touch or enter any unattended vehicle without the owner’s permission
• not to remain in any shop or commercial premises if asked to leave by staff 
• not to enter any premises he has been barred from 
• not to enter the areas highlighted on the below map of Acomb, Woodthorpe and Holgate

York Press: The areas of York Sean James Beard cannot enterThe areas of York Sean James Beard cannot enter (Image: North Yorkshire Police)

If he does not comply with these conditions, he is deemed as committing a criminal offence and can be sent back to prison.

Speaking about the order that is in place to protect the local community and prevent Beard from offending, York Outer Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Lee Pointon said: “Beard is well known to police and to both businesses and the local community in Acomb and we are well aware of the negative impact his behaviour has on them. I’d like to reassure the community that we will react swiftly to any breaches. 

“Breaching a Criminal Behaviour Order is a serious offence, one you can be arrested and potentially sent to prison for. Public support for the effective enforcement of these orders is vital, so I’d appeal to the local community to call North Yorkshire Police on 101 if they become aware of, or suspect Beard has committed any breaches of these terms.”