York retail butcher Anthony Swales is selling the best lamb this Easter after buying champion beasts.

After judging the Easter Spring Lambs and monthly prime hogg show classes at Skipton Auction mart, he made the purchases for the family-run Knavesmire Butchers in Albemarle Road.

Mr Swales first bagged the Easter title winner, the first prize single 45kg Charollais-x-Beltex gimmer lamb from Robert Towers, of Ingleton in North Craven, at £195 top gross.

He then paid £175 to claim the third prize Continental-x single lamb from regular vendor Charles Marwood, who runs the Foulrice pedigree Charollais flock in Whenby, York.

Then, he paid £180 for another single Charollais that finished runner-up in its show class from Mr Marwood’s daughter Deborah Whitcher, who runs her own Galtres pedigree flock in nearby Skewsby.

Mr Swales also paid a further £185 each for his champion pen of five prime hoggs, Beltex-x from Skipton farmer Jeff Burrows.

A tidy entry of 67 Spring lambs met a sharp trade, again proving in strong demand for the Easter trade among both retail and wholesale butchers, selling at an overall average of £159.32 per head, 360.9p/kg (SQQ 373.1p/kg), on a robust turnout of 3,846 prime and lightweight hoggs.