A YORK woman has donated a relative's ceremonial sword, which dates back to before the First World War, to a new display.

To mark the opening of the new mini display at the Treasure House in Beverley featuring artefacts relating to the East Riding Yeomanry, a relative of one of the soldiers from the regiment took part in the official unveiling.

Eileen Tutill from York, the granddaughter of Quartermaster Sergeant Sefton Tomlinson, of Escrick, has donated her relative’s ceremonial sword, which dates to the years before the First World War.

Dr David Marchant, museums registrar with East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: This donation originally came about as a result of a lecture I delivered at Escrick to the local history society.

"The village has a close connection with the East Riding Yeomanry, as this was where Lord Wenlock first raised the regiment in 1902 - and there were many local men, like Sefton Tomlinson, who joined at that time.

“It’s a great addition to our collection of artefacts related to the East Riding Yeomanry. The sword has an interesting later history, being used at special family events – cutting wedding cakes, for instance."

The sword is part of a recent acquisitions display, also featuring a First World War period photograph album and a Second World War diary.

The display will run until the end of August this year.