A YORK boy who lives with ADHD and learning disabilities is working on his dream career as a ballet dancer.

Harvey Stevens, 13, started dancing when he was just three years old when he was taken to his first class in Bishopthorpe by his mum, Alison.

She said: "Harvey fell in love with it. Over the years he has expanded to tap, jazz, contemporary and musical theatre."

When he was eight, Harvey auditioned and secured a place at York Dance Scholars - which he was part of for a year.

York Press: Harvey started dancing when he was just three years oldHarvey started dancing when he was just three years old (Image: UGC)

Then, aged nine, he landed a place at Northern Ballet in Leeds and joined its CAT Programme. Alongside this, he also took part in the Royal Ballet School's Junior Associate Programme.

When he was 10, Harvey auditioned for Elmhurst Ballet School in Birmingham, alongside 1,000 others - and he managed to secure one of the 30 places available. 

He joined Elmhurst for Year 7, but sadly this was in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Alison added: "With Harvey having ADHD and learning disabilities this was so hard for him to adjust, with lockdowns, online learning and online ballet classes.

"Also, sadly due to his needs, Elmhurst could not fund one-to-one help that he needed. So after a year at vocational school, Harvey returned home."

York Press: Harvey is working hard to achieve his dreamHarvey is working hard to achieve his dream (Image: UGC)

Harvey then needed an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to get him in to the correct school for his needs. After searching, he now attends Danesgate in York. 

Harvey is now dancing at Yorkshire Rose Academy Of Dance in York, where he is currently in RAD Grade 6 ballet after achieving a distinction in his last ballet exam.

Harvey has also returned to the Northern CAT program, where he is currently a Level 4 student.

He is also doing his RAD intermediate, where he also dances the en pointe technique alongside the girls - and Alison said there are not many boys that take part in this dance.

Over the years Harvey has been in stage show productions of Hairspray with York Light Youth and Matilda.

York Press: Harvey practicing one of his routinesHarvey practicing one of his routines (Image: UGC)

Alison added: "Harvey is a very talented young boy, who I am just trying to give him the same opportunities as other dancers.

"This will then help him to develop his skills, which will help him obtain a place at a dance school or college.

"As you can imagine the cost of his ballet training is expensive, let alone the travel, parking, accommodation, uniform, summer school and masterclasses.

"Due to Harvey’s disabilities, I am his full-time carer.

"We are looking for a sponsor for him or donations. He would love to follow his dream to become a full-time dancer after he leaves school."

To make a donation to Harvey, visit his page at: bit.ly/40i94T5