WE all make spelling mistakes - but some are more public than others.

As busy reporters at The Press, we are the first to admit we make spelling errors (we call them typos) in the rush to get the news out to readers.

So we have every sympathy with the guilty party - or parties - behind these misspelt road signs in York.

Both these images have been posted by eagle-eyed members of The Press Camera Club.

Jonathan Allison shared the image of the signs in Coppergate which are highlighting drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to diversions following a road closure.

Nothing wrong with that - except one sign reads "BUSSINESS OPEN AS USUAL".

York Press: Spot the spelling mistake. Photo by Jonathan AllisonSpot the spelling mistake. Photo by Jonathan Allison

Fellow Camera Club member Jon Brownridge posted another road sign from a while ago on the approach to Gillygate which drew suspicions that perhaps the same sign writer's work was on show?

However, this sign may have been more of a rushed job as not only does it have two spelling errors, but three grammatical ones too!

It reads: "Access to Portland street, Bootham School, and bussiness olny".

York Press: Could do better! Photo by Jon BrownridgeCould do better! Photo by Jon Brownridge

If you have spotted any misspelt or funny street signs in York, please send us your photos via the Send Now button below...