THREE shop thieves were among defendants sentenced recently at York Magistrates Court.

Michael Price, of Water End, York, was given an eight-month prison sentence suspended for 12 months after he pleaded guilty to stealing 76 blenders worth £1,488 in Hampshire and failure to tell police who was driving a HGV when it was allegedly involved in a motoring crime. He was ordered to pay an £187 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs and banned from driving for six months.

Isobel Martin, 21, of Clover Close, Ipswich, admitted carrying a kitchen knife in Boots in Coney Street and stealing from Boots. She was given a four-month prison sentence suspended for 12 months on condition she does nine days’ rehabilitative activities and 40 hours’ unpaid work. She must also pay a £187 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

Billy Joe Michael Hannigan, 26, of Fishergate, York, was jailed for three weeks after he admitted assaulting a police emergency worker and ordered to pay the police officer £100 compensation.

Luke Michael David Pearson, 30, of Navigation Road, central York, was jailed for 12 weeks after he admitted three charges of shop theft and one each of assaulting a man in a shop and failure to attend court. He must pay £154 compensation to the man.