A TAXI driver has been convicted of fraud by overcharging one of his passengers and has been ordered to do 100 hours’ unpaid work.

City of York Council prosecuted David Richardson for his actions on June 1 last year.

When he appeared before York Magistrates Court the 30-year-old licensed hackney carriage driver pleaded guilty to fraud by abuse of position.

He was made subject to a community order with 10 days’ rehabilitative activities and 100 hours’ unpaid work.

The probation service will decide what the work he will do under the national community payback scheme. It could include removing graffiti, tidying up wastelands or public spaces or painting community buildings. He must complete all the order including the unpaid work within 12 months.

According to the charge, Richardson, who gave an accommodation address in Lindsey Avenue, Acomb, was expected to safeguard, or not act against, the financial interest of a named man, but he dishonestly abused his position as a licensed hackney driver by charging an excessive fare with the intention of making a gain for himself.

A charge alleging he had committed a similar offence on May 25, 2022, was dropped by the prosecution when he pleaded guilty to the June offence.