Firstly, congratulations to the new Labour City of York Council.

Secondly, a big thanks to the departing council members led by Andy D’Agorne who - despite lots of criticism, including from myself - worked as well as could be expected during the Covid-19 crisis and the Ukrainian emergency, followed by the energy and cost-of-living crisis.

The spending on cycle paths and restrictions to through traffic are based on government policies regarding renewable energy and creating a healthier and greener future for us all.

Thirdly, the last council will be remembered more for the furore surrounding blue badge restrictions. I myself have often, through The Press, criticised the severity of the ‘ban’, but also understand the dangers of moving traffic mixing with pedestrians in the narrow streets of York.

Perhaps a compromise might be acceptable - whereby allowing a disabled person plus only one carer to drive into the city centre might be acceptable. Prior to the blue badge ‘ban’ it wasn’t uncommon for family groups to use disabled person exemption as a taxi, taking them into the centre of town for shopping sprees.

DM Deamer, Monkgate, York


May I remind Andy D’Agorne - you lost!

I noted with mirth the recent letter from ex-councillor D’Agorne and his promise to hold Labour accountable. May I please remind him that the York electorate gave their opinion of both him and his party in the recent local elections and it was a resounding fail!

We rejected their local ideology, especially the victimisation of our disabled residents, their road closures and general anti-car policies etc.

So thankfully, whether he yet realises it or not, he will not be in any position to hold anyone accountable.

Judith Morris, Moorland Road, York


Bitter pill for York Greens and Lib Dems

For the Lib Dems and Greens to lose control of City of York Council whilst their colleagues in the rest of the country were toasting success, must be a bitter pill to swallow. Blame has to be on the shoulders of those responsible, namely local leaders of both parties who, had they pursued sensible policies in preference to their fantasy ‘eco scheme’, could also be raising a glass in celebration.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby