A thriving pub near York that has transformed under new management has been recognised by York CAMRA.


The Lord Nelson in Poppleton is the group’s Spring Town & Country Pub of the Season.

Presenting the award to landlord Tom Brown, member Karl Smith said: “There are three key ingredients that make a great pub: good beer; great atmosphere; a warm welcome. The Nelson has become a great example of those qualities and was deservedly being recognised by CAMRA”.

In just a year Tom, his family and his team have transformed a struggling pub and under threat from former owners, Pub Co Enterprise, to a thriving free house with a growing reputation as a beer and food destination.

Karl added: “This is a great example of why CAMRA opposes ALL pub closures showing what can be achieved in the right hands and we need more younger people like Tom taking on pubs. I urge customers to join CAMRA’s fight for all pub goers, whatever their preferred drink as all were
valuable in keeping our dwindling pub stock open.”


Tom told the Press he was proud of what he and his team have achieved since he took over the pub last May.


PM Rishi Sunak calls in at Lord Nelson pub, Nether Poppleton


He added: “I thanked my customers for their loyal support and once again thanked my family for sticking by me and being great teachers!”

Last month, the Lord Nelson received a surprise visit from PM Rishi Sunak.