When is the Little Admiral coming back?

IS the repair, restoration or replacement of the “Little Admiral“ on top of the clock on Coney Street in hand and when can we expect his return?

If it’s in someone’s “too difficult box” perhaps they should contact the producers of The Repair Shop.

John May,

East Mount Road,



What is your view?

Email - letters@thepress.co.uk

Keep your letter to 250 words maximum and provide your full name, address and mobile number


Use of animals in research - add your voice

On Thursday, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on the European Citizens’ Initiative "Save cruelty-free cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without animal testing."

Web-streamed live across Europe from 9am, the hearing will consider three objectives: (1) Protect and strengthen the cosmetics animal testing ban; (2) Transform EU chemicals regulation and; (3) Modernise science in the EU.

Even though the UK is no longer part of the European Union, the outcome of the hearing could impact on UK law and practice, as the recent debate on the Home Office’s appalling decision to abandon the 1998 ban on the animal testing of cosmetics ingredients has shown. UK animal campaigners are therefore eagerly awaiting the hearing.

For anyone who would like to see animal testing phased out in the UK, the Switch Campaign has a similar online parliamentary petition calling on the UK government to boost steps to end the use of animals in scientific and medical research by updating toxicology legislation and switching to 21st century replacement science. You can add your voice at: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/632751

Tracey Gregory,

Switch Campaigner,

Switch Campaign,

PO Box 757,



One about two horses...

THE suggestions regarding how to tell the identical triplets apart reminded me of the two argumentative brothers working on the farmer's who bought two horses and couldn't decide  which was which. 

They decide to cut the tail of one to differentiate between them , but unfortunately vandals broke into the stable and cut the tail off the other horse . 

The next morning they decided to cut the mane of one, but unfortunately the one without the mane became jealous and bit the mane of the other horse.  

Exasperated the brothers had run out of ideas,  until one had a brilliant idea ? ' I'll tell you what we'll do, you have the black one and I'll have the white one'. 

D M Deamer

Penleys Grove Street,


