A high street boss has hit out at ongoing work in York city centre to install anti-terrorism bollards, which has led to one business temporarily closing.

David Skaith, director of the York High Street Forum, which represents businesses in the city centre, said the work taking place in Lendal and High Petergate has had a big financial impact on traders.

The director’s concerns come as it was revealed today by The Press that Mannetti’s café, in Lendal, has been forced to temporarily close this week due to the work.

David, who owns Winston’s of York independent clothing store, said: “I think the fact a business has decided to close for a period of time would suggest how bad trade has been due to this work, that’s a huge decision to make but one that can be fully understood.

York Press: David SkaithDavid Skaith (Image: Supplied)

“My main frustration is that York has been quiet for four months, we now finally have some nice weather and a half term around the corner, but we now choose this time to start major works.

“Surely earlier in the year would have been a better option?”

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As reported by The Press, a director of Manneti’s, Marie Milburn, said the council had not been in touch with the café about the closure or about support on offer.

David said: “If businesses are also saying they haven’t been contacted or kept updated on works then this is also not good enough, how are we expected to trade under these conditions?”

York Press: The ongoing work in LendalThe ongoing work in Lendal (Image: Dylan Connell)

He added: “Businesses in York have had a terrible few years. It’s been so hard to make a profit and many have already made the terribly tough decision to close.

“The last thing we need is another issue that businesses need to face.”

David said he has asked for a timeframe of when major work is going to be carried out in the city, so that traders can plan around this.

“We need people visiting our many unique and beautiful businesses as possible. I for one will be making more visits to places such as Mannetti’s going forward,” he said.

“I urge residents and visitors alike to check out IndieYork to find their local independent businesses.

“During these trying times even a social media follow or supportive comment could help many businesses out and give the owners a boost.

“We need to be spreading the word of how many great eclectic businesses we are so lucky to have in York.”