Reverse the Ban wishes to thank all those voters in the recent local election that gave such a clear message that the blue badge ban in York needs to be reversed.

It was a message of hope and support for disabled people that is much valued.

Our coalition of 27 disability- and age-related and allied organisations from across the city has now written to the new leader of the council, Cllr Claire Douglas.

We welcome her public statements that she will give this issue priority and look forward to seeing the council’s proposals about how and when to allow blue badge holders access to the city centre again.

Our aim is that blue badge holders should be able to access York’s city centre as they could in 2019.

From the start we have called for the council and police to enter into meaningful discussions with disabled people to agree access to the footstreets with sufficient parking spaces, designed in a way that addresses legitimate security concerns.

We now look forward to these getting underway with a range of disability groups and individuals across the city, including blue badge holders in particular, so that we can achieve a fair and well-considered way forward.

We also look forward to work continuing at greater pace than before in the city centre area (where it has been woefully slow) to improve access for anyone moving around not in a vehicle.

Name and address supplied, on behalf of Reverse the Ban