YORK has a glorious past - but equally has a lively and colourful present.

We can see that all around as the city's history sits smack bang next to new and modern additions.

Witness it yourself in this fun set of images from talented members of our Press Camera Club.

We asked them to take photos of the city on the theme of 'York Past and Present.'

As ever, they came up with fantastic compositions.

Take Carys Tew's simply titled: 'Bus Bus with a View'. Taken from Duncombe Place facing York Minster, in the foreground is a tour bus displaying the very same view of the Minster.

York Press: York past and present by Carys TewYork past and present by Carys Tew (Image: Carys Tew)

Carys has a double bill in this week's photo-spread showing our competition finalists and winner.

Her image of the15th century Black Swan pub next to the 21st century Hiscox building perfectly captures the theme too.


Read next:

* Early bird catches ... the bird! Amazing photos of kingfishers near York

* Watch fox cubs at play on our doorstep in these amazing photos


The old and new come together again in Jonathan Allison's photo of Scarborough Rail Bridge with the (relatively) new cycle and foot path.

Sue Gabbatiss took the former FR Stubbs Ironmonger building in Fossgate which is now a Loch Fyne restaurant as her inspiration, while Matt Lightfoot worked his wizardry again to display an image of Clifford's Tower in his camera lens.

The big wheel which has returned to St Sampson's Square has sparked creative juices for members too this month.

We loved this atmospheric shot of the wheel spotted from Nether Hornpot Lane by Madhura Bhat.

York Press: This month's entry from Matt LightfootThis month's entry from Matt Lightfoot (Image: Matt Lightfoot)

But our favourite - and this month's winner - is a view of the wheel over the historic rooftops of York. Well done Barney Sharratt, you have really brought York's past and present together with this photograph and are the deserved winner of our £50 competition prize.

Next month's theme is #OutAndAbout.

Join our Camera Club

WOULD you like to see your photographs in The Press and online?

More than 2,500 readers have joined The Press Camera Club, which launched in June 2017 and brings together talented photographers from across York and North and East Yorkshire to share their work, swap tips and take part in themed monthly prize competitions.

To join the free club, simply search for ‘The Press Camera Club’ on Facebook - we’d love to see what our region looks like through your lens.

We will feature pictures from our camera club in The Press and online regularly.

If you like seeing photos of York, please follow us on Instagram too @york.press.