Radix Big Tent has launched its Festival website - www.radixbigtent.org.uk - so guests can now start planning their day at the Big Tent Ideas Festival.

The popular event featuring top policiticians, busiensspeople and other notables, takes place in the grounds of York Minster, from 10am-6pm on Saturday June 17. 

The new website provides an easy-to-use programme for the day, which can be downloaded or searched on a smartphone, allowing festival-goers to identify sessions by one of six themes, the time you can be there or the site location.

Helmsley Group sponsors the Big Tent Ideas Festival

For instance, you can now find all the sessions related to health at the click of a button.  So, you could choose to take the Health and Wealth walking tour, hear the former Health Secretary on a new social contract with NHS and then give evidence to The Times Health Commission – and still have time to enjoy the rest of the festival.

www.radixbigtent.org.uk provides an overview of the festival itself including topics from education to sustainable regeneration and the cost of living crisis, and key speakers such as Baroness Warsi, Minister George Freeman MP, Shadow Ministers Sara Owen MP and Stephen Kinnock MP, Sir Vince Cable, Greg Dyke, Sir Tim Smit and many others.

For the first time, the Big Tent festival includes a family programme https://www.radixbigtent.org.uk/family-programme/ Children are welcome to attend all sessions but the downloadable family programme highlights the events that will be particularly appealing to a younger audience.

'Packed line-up' as Big Tent Festival set for York event in June

The new website has been designed and built by York web design and development company, See Green.

Anne Taylor, CEO of See Green, said: "The Big Tent Ideas Festival is a really important programme of events, and not only are we delighted that this year, York plays host, but that See Green has been the digital partner in bringing the website and programme online.” 

Big Tent CEO, Ben Rich, added: "“Many people feel that politicians have made a bit of a mess of things, but what they don’t necessarily know is how open they are to new ideas and constructive debate. The Big Tent Ideas Festival is a unique platform for the people of York and North Yorkshire to make their voices heard, calmly and civilly, and restore faith in politics over pizza and a pint.  Do join us.”

Tickets for the Big Tent Ideas Festival are free but must be registered here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-radix-big-tent-ideas-festival-2023-regenerate-registration-474642587757.