Independently-owned food and drink businesses from across Yorkshire are invited to attend a free event to find out how creating ‘gift experiences’ can generate new business.

Hosted by Yorkshire food and drink provenance brand, The Yorkshire Mark and gift experience provider, Uniquely Local, the event will be held at Yorkshire Heart Vineyard, Nun Monkton, on Tuesday July 4 during 2.30pm – 5.30pm.

Since the pandemic, spending on customer and gift experiences has surged in popularity, as consumers are choosing ‘experiences over material possessions’, preferring to ‘enjoy the moment’ with loved ones and moving towards ‘doing rather than having’.

With over 70 Yorkshire based businesses in its network, Uniquely Local is a ‘one stop shop’ for specialist, unique gift experiences across the county.

At the event, Uniquely Local will provide insights into the market and how Yorkshire based businesses can turn their current offering into a ‘gift experience’.

A panel of Yorkshire business owners who have taken the plunge and transformed their own businesses by offering interactive customer ‘experiences’ will also be sharing their stories and advice.

Speakers will include:

• Tim Spakouskas, owner of Yorkshire Heart Vineyard.

• Simon Lacey, founder of Lacey’s Cheese of Reeth.

• Marion Martinez, owner of York-based Tours in a Dish.

• Rodger Williams, from Bramhope Sticks, who offers courses in stick making.

There will also be opportunity for business owners to network and find out more about the ‘customer and gift experience’ market.

Rachel Marshall, Owner of Uniquely Local said: “Offering customers an experience can create high margins for businesses who are already producing or offering something, as the main investment for them will be time. “

Yorkshire Mark is a community of food and drink producers, retailers, restaurants, and partner businesses who promote and celebrate their Yorkshire provenance by using ‘Made in Yorkshire’ stamp on their products, services or offering.

Alexandra Calvert, Brand Director of The Yorkshire Mark said: “With the rise in popularity of ‘gift experiences as well as consumers being more mindful of their spending and tightening their belts, this event is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn more about how they can diversify their business for a relatively low-cost and reach new customers.”

Tickets are available on EventBrite.

For more information about The Yorkshire Mark visit

For more information on Uniquely Local, visit