David Deamer (Letters, June 10) once again exposes the mind of someone unable to distinguish between simple non-sexual nudity and acts deemed obscene.

I led the ride on Saturday and saw no negative reactions - just cheering, clapping, laughing - and we were able to use the spectacle to share our pro-cycling and anti-fossil-fuel sentiments.

We used the protest to push our political leaders to consider how best to make our streets safer. Based on evidence from places with comprehensive speed limits, a ‘within the outer ring road’ 20mph maximum would work - and the York Civic Trust agrees.

Cllr Kilbane has told us that he and his colleagues will be considering the draft Local Transport Plan and the Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan, due to be implemented by May 2024. Cyclists and road safety activists will be able to have input. I look forward to seeing how the Labour administration reverses the 30 per cent decline in cyclist numbers since 2014.

John Cossham, Hull Road, York