A dog owner who failed to microchip their dogs and a man who harassed a woman were defendants dealt with recently at York Magistrates Court.

Lauren Wharton, 32, of Spalding Avenue, Clifton, must pay £1,295 after she failed to respond to a summons for not microchipping two dogs. She was convicted in her absence, fined £330 and ordered to pay a £132 statutory surcharge and £833.56 prosecution costs.

Gary Lee Walls, 39, of Lydham Court, Foxwood, was given an eight-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months after he pleaded guilty to shop theft. He was ordered to pay a £154 statutory surcharge.

Joshua Richard Griffiths, 30, of no fixed address, Selby, was jailed for 17 weeks. He admitted two assaults of police officers with intent to resist arrest, four charges of shop theft and one of criminal damage to a door at a petrol station. He must pay a £154 statutory surcharge.

David Glen Atkin, 63, of Carlton Road, Carlton Miniott, near Thirsk was convicted at trial after denying harassment of a woman. He was given an eight- week prison sentence suspended for 12 months on condition he does 30 days’ rehabilitative activities. He was made subject to a two-year restraining order to protect the woman and ordered to pay £620 prosecution costs and a £154 statutory surcharge.