A SCHOOL in York has secured an eco-friendly award after setting up a series of initiatives.

Huntington Primary Academy has launched a programme of environmental schemes - and the school has been awarded its first Eco-Schools Green Flag award.

As part of the school’s action plan, the school has launched a dedicated eco-committee, led by teacher Jenny Jackson.

Pupils have already participated in several initiatives including reviewing school waste, recycling, litter picking, assessing and improving the school grounds and embedding eco activities into the curriculum.

Jenny Holton, headteacher at the York school, said: “We are thrilled to receive this award in recognition of the initiatives launched by our pupils and Mrs Jackson.

"As part of our school vision we encourage responsibility and this project has shown the children how to take responsibility for their environment with the aim of achieving a cleaner, greener life."

The prestigious Eco-Schools award, which was launched in 1994, requires schools to follow a seven-step framework.