CONTROVERSIAL plans to transform 44 acres of farmland into a quarry will destroy a hamlet in North Yorkshire, say villagers.

Stone Cliff Aggregates ltd are applying to North Yorkshire Council for permission to extract and process limestone from land close to the A63 and A1(M) and Lumby village near Selby.

The land is currently farmland, and Stone Cliff say that previously a large proportion of the site was used as a location for a works compound and asphalt plant and that therefore, much of the land has previously been developed and restored back to agriculture.

York Press: The unspoiled arable land in Lumby, near Selby, where the new quarry is proposedThe unspoiled arable land in Lumby, near Selby, where the new quarry is proposed (Image: PLANET)

They claim the mineral development is temporary and the site is proposed to be restored back to open fields at the same level as existing following completion of restoration works.

But worried residents have now launched a campaign to halt the quarry, which is on designated Green Belt land to the west of the village. They have arranged a public meeting at South Milford’s Women’s Institute on Thursday June 29.

They also claim the quarry will also impact on the neighbouring villages of Hillam and Monk Fryston, according to campaigners, with increased traffic and dust.

Their key fears include visual intrusion, damage to landscapes and wildlife, increased heavy traffic, smoke, noise, dust, loss of land and a deterioration in water quality.

York Press: What campaigners say the Lumby site could look like if the quarry goes ahead as a photo of a quarry at nearby Darrington showsWhat campaigners say the Lumby site could look like if the quarry goes ahead as a photo of a quarry at nearby Darrington shows (Image: PLANET)

A spokesman from P.L.A.N.E.T. (Protect Lumby Against New Environmental Threats), said: “This is a deeply unwelcome proposal on so many levels. It is completely inappropriate that this area should be exposed to such a destructive development.

"There are serious health implications for local residents as well as the many environmental concerns.

“It is utterly irresponsible and utterly wrong and the villagers of Lumby, together with those in the immediate area, will do everything we can to stop this development.

“The A63 is taking all the traffic from the nearby Sherburn Industrial estate and is often gridlocked at certain points already. The area cannot take any more development.

“A curious, and unsettling, aspect is the fact that that urban developments have not been resisted on designated Green Belt land east of Leeds. There have been significant increases in industrial operations taking place in the area recently. There must be a point where it becomes over-industrialisation in the Green Belt.

“The detrimental impact the development would have on the landscape would far outweigh the benefits."

The Huddersfield-based aggregates firm has also applied to import inert waste to the site, which is only 300 metres from Lumby.

The firm state the mineral will be worked “by ripping rather than blasting to reduce vibration and air over-pressure concerns” in a west to easterly direction so as to screen the workings from the village. Due to the timescale of the project (19 years), these will be long-term temporary impacts.”

North Yorkshire Council’s assistant director of planning, Trevor Watson, said: “As with all planning applications, it will be considered on its own merits.

“It will be carefully assessed against national policy and guidance, local policy and emerging policy.

“Representations from statutory consultees along with views expressed by groups, organisations and individuals will all be taken into account.”