POLICE have launched a crackdown on antisocial behaviour in a York town.

Across the weekend York Police put in place a Section 35 dispersal order for Haxby on the outskirts of the city. 

A force spokesman said: "A Section 35 dispersal order can be used by police officers and designated PCSOs to deal with individuals aged ten or over engaging in anti-social behaviour or crime and disorder not only when they have occurred or are occurring, but when they are likely to occur and in any locality.  

"Our reference number is NYP-01072023-0248."

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It follows a meeting in the town in April when North Yorkshire Police said the local neighbourhood team met with Haxby residents to hear their concerns.

On that occasion a police spokesman said: "We attended the Memorial Hall to speak with local residents about antisocial behaviour and signing up to community messenger. 

"Unfortunately, there wasn’t a big turn out but, like other areas, Haxby does suffer from antisocial behaviour and this can be upsetting for residents. We were joined by local councillors and a police cadet to walk around and engage with residents. 

"Whilst out on patrols we dealt with a number of youths who were causing issues around the shops and some streets. 

"The youths were not from the local area and were sent home immediately. 

"This follows on from an incident when three youths were issued Dispersal Notices. 

"We encourage anyone who experiences antisocial behaviour to report it via 101 or online."