A BUSY road through York city centre is closed for a second day for emergency works to be carried out.

As The Press reported yesterday, the latest in a string of incidents in the street, Walmgate has been closed close to St Deny's Church.

A huge hole excavated in the carriageway yesterday has now been filled in, but the road needs resurfacing.

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It's not clear at this stage what the works are for, but in previous years, water has erupted through the street and flooded the road after a pipe burst.

The water previously caused the tarmac to buckle and break up on Walmgate, near The Press offices, and was flowing all the way down the road towards Fossgate.

Walmgate was closed and a stretch of the road remains shut. Pavements were also closed but one side has reopened.

This morning (July 4) Walmgate is closed to traffic and the pavement is closed to pedestrians on one side.