THE parents of a little boy from York, who was born with a rare congenital heart defect and will need surgery for the rest of his life, are helping fundraise for a very special cause.

Two-year-old Harry Wright from Acomb was born with Truncus Arteriosus and when he was only two weeks old, underwent open heart surgery, meaning he and his mum, Coral, 31, had a four-week stay in Leeds General Infirmary.

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York Press: Harry is now twoHarry is now two (Image: Mike Wright)

Dad, Mike, 33, said: "Had it not been for the amazing charity the Children's Heart Surgery Fund it would not have been possible for Coral to stay so close by at the hospital while Harry was fighting for his life in the paediatric intensive care unit. 

"Harry will need to have heart surgery every four years for the rest of his life as the replacement heart valve he has is from a donor heart and won't grow as he grows so it will need to be replaced.

"Harry is obsessed with football, and strives to follow his ten-year-old older brother, Alfie, who he looks up to so much as well as his big sister, Elsie, four."

York Press: Harry and Alfie WrightHarry and Alfie Wright (Image: Mike Wright)

Coral said: "Harry has inspired us all with his strength and resilience and has grown into such a funny, cheeky chap full of character.

"We are so proud of him and eternally grateful to his surgeon Osama Jaber and all the staff at LGI who cared for Harry and the Children's Heart Surgery fund for providing the life saving equipment and accommodation for us throughout Harry's stay. Not only do they provide accommodation for parents of children with heart problems admitted to LGI, they also provide life saving equipment and fund staff training and scientific research.

"This charity plays a vital role in not only keeping our heart kids fit and healthy but also in saving their lives, and knowing that Harry will have more surgeries to come in the future at LGI it would mean the world to us if you could help us in raising funds for this charity.

"Mike is organising a charity football match on Saturday (July 8) kicking off at 11am at Huntington Rovers pitches, Hopgrove Fields in Malton Road, followed by a small get together to try and raise some extra funds which we welcome people to come along to."

York Press: Mike and Coral Wright with their children, Alfie, Elsie and HarryMike and Coral Wright with their children, Alfie, Elsie and Harry (Image: Mike Wright)

Mike, a scaffolder, who plays for Rufforth Tiger Moths, said on Saturday parents and coaches from Rufforth and Huntington are coming together to go head to head in what promises to be a fiercely contested annual charity football match.

The family fun day will see Rufforth Tiger Moths take on Huntington Charitable Charmers and on the day there will be a hot dog stand and inflatable assault cause for children, and adults, to test their skills and agility.

All money raised will go to the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund. Donations can be made on the day at the game or if you would like to donate before please visit

York Press: Mike and Coral WrightMike and Coral Wright (Image: Mike Wright)