Next Thursday, July 20, Selby & Ainsty goes to the polls in a by-election caused by the resignation of sitting Conservative MP Nigel Adams.

To help our readers decide how to vote, The Press approached all 13 candidates who hope to become the next MP for the constituency of Selby and Ainsty.

We have asked for their views on a range of topics, and we will publish their responses both in print and online.

Today, we feature Matt Walker, Liberal Democrat.


What are the biggest issues locally and nationally?

Nationally it is the NHS, locally, it is the cost of living.

What caused the cost of living crisis? How would you aim to solve it? 

After the Government’s disastrous handling of the economy, residents face record tax rises and brutal cuts to public services. People are paying higher taxes, higher energy bills and higher mortgages. This is all because the Conservatives have failed to take real action on the cost of living crisis, they have let us down. Liberal Democrats are calling for action on the cost of living crisis like a Mortgage Protection Fund and a business energy bill bailout. 


Net Zero/ Green Energy? Energy security?

We absolutely need to be doing everything we can to tackle climate change and reach net zero. The Liberal Democrats have some of the most ambitious policies to tackle climate change. 

What would you tell the Covid Inquiry? 

This Government's handling of the pandemic was scandalous and shameful. I would urge the Ministers responsible to apologise to the thousands of bereaved families. 

NHS: Something to celebrate at 75? 

As someone who's worked in our NHS for years, I see the damage this Government has done to it, with wait times spiralling and staff left burnt out and on the brink. Liberal Democrats believe that this Government has seriously neglected our local health services here. The Conservative's inaction has left far too many people in our community struggling to get the health care they need and deserve. 

People are fed up with this Conservative Government taking people for granted and failing our services. The Liberal Democrats are calling for a fair deal for patients and staff and we have a plan to deliver it. 

First, we want to give everyone the right to see their GP within seven days, or 24 hours if they urgently need to. Secondly, I want to see a brand new plan to fix NHS dentistry which has been left to decay for years. And finally, Liberal Democrats believe everyone should be able to get an ambulance on time when they need one, under this Government we have seen record waits.


How would you solve the Housing crisis?

The Tories have continually failed to build enough homes and they’ve continued to hollow out local authorities when they should be taking the lead on building houses.

Liberal Democrats would:

*Reform the 1961 Land Compensation Act to give local authorities the power to acquire landbanked land from housing developers at its 'current use value', in order to be used to meet the community's need for housing.

*Increase local authority compulsory purchase powers. 

*Identify areas for development in consultation with the local community, then acquiring this land and planning all necessary infrastructure including roads, utilities and green spaces.

*And finally, once all the infrastructure is planned, to allow developers or housing associations to bid for plots and to start building.

What about Immigration?

Not only is the Conservatives’ Rwanda asylum plan immoral, ineffective and incredibly costly for taxpayers, but the Court of Appeal has also now said it is unlawful, too. It will do nothing to stop dangerous Channel crossings - and it runs roughshod over the UK’s legal obligations, as the courts have confirmed.

The Home Secretary needs to finally accept reality. Instead of wasting even more taxpayer money by defending this plan in the courts, the Home Secretary should scrap her vanity project and focus on tackling the asylum backlog created by her own Government’s incompetence.”


What is your final appeal or rallying call?

At this election, I am standing for a fair deal for the people of Selby and Ainsty who’ve been taken for granted by this Conservative government. 

We have a plan for our NHS which would see thousands more GPs and the legal right to see one. And, we want to clamp down on the sewage scandal with an overhaul of the water companies and regulator Ofwat. 

Residents across Selby and Ainsty will have the chance to send the Conservatives a message on their catastrophic handling of this country and our area. A vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote for our fair deal.