Entering and winning the York Press Business Awards has given York Gin such a tonic, they are taking part again this year.

The city’s only gin distillery has survived troubled times facing the hospitality and retail sector, but it has pulled through helped by winning this and other awards, and, of course, producing a good drop!

Last year, the company won the Socially Responsible Business of the Year category, for its efforts to create the best working conditions for its staff, be fair to suppliers and almost achieving ‘Net Zero’ helped by its local sourcing.

This category seeks to reward change, encourage the development of engaged and ethical business practices and demonstrating an understanding and commitment to the role of business in society.

Open to businesses of all sizes and sectors, the judges are looking for entries that clearly demonstrate how the business has incorporated responsible business and sustainability thinking into various areas of business.

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York Gin Director Natalie Hall said: “There are so many businesses in York and the surrounding area doing brilliant, innovative and exciting things. 

“And the York Press Business Awards provide the chance to talk about your achievements - and potentially win an award.

“Entering the awards is also a great opportunity to step back from the day to day and reflect on what your business is really trying to achieve, what its strengths are - and perhaps what it needs to work on.”

Natalie added: “The York Press provides brilliant support to local business -  it really gets the importance of this sector to the prosperity of our area. And these awards give local business owners a real chance to be recognised for all the fantastic things they do.

“The ceremony is always a great night out too - and gives the chance to meet and chat with other local business owners as well as the movers and shakers.”

Marc Fleetham, Director of Business Development & Knowledge Exchange,  of category sponsor York St John University, said: “Social responsibility is at the heart of York St John University and our role as a civic partner in the city of York is one we take seriously. Through York Business School, our students learn that true entrepreneurial success isn’t just financial reward, but also the positive impact on society, the environment and people’s lives.


“Our Enterprise Centre embodies this approach by offering a comprehensive package of free support to small businesses that share these values, including membership of the Good Business Charter. We are very proud to extend this community support by sponsoring the Socially Responsible Business of the Year Award.”

Marc added: ““In challenging times, businesses that maintain an eye on the future and choose ethical and sustainable practices deserve to be celebrated and noticed by customers. We'd encourage all businesses who care about their social footprint to enter this inspirational category.”

For details and to enter go to: The Press Business Awards 2023: Information, profiles, winners, photos (yorkpress.co.uk)