UPDATE: Siobhan Humphries acquitted of harassing older woman in York

A MOTORIST allegedly harassed an older woman by “abnormal” manoeuvres on the York Outer Ring Road and a narrow Acomb street, a court heard.

Complainant Margaret Elmer alleged she told police at one stage: “If anything happens to me, you know where to look”.

She claimed that the actions of her son’s ex-partner Siobhan Rachel Humphries on the A64 between Askham Bryan and Askham Bar terrified her so much she was unable to continue driving.

She and her sons Jonathan and Christopher claim that on another occasion, Humphries allegedly followed them along a narrow street in Acomb.

Humphries came so close in front of the car they were in, Jonathan Elmer, who was driving, had to brake sharply, they claimed in evidence.

Humphries had got out of her car and allegedly came to the driver’s side of the Elmer’s car “screaming” “shouting” and “swearing”.

Mrs Elmer claimed the other woman’s manoeuvres on both occasions were “abnormal”.

Humphries, 36, of Summerfield Road, Woodthorpe, denies harassment. Teesside magistrates heard that Jonathan Elmer and Humphries had been in a relationship that ended acrimoniously two months before the alleged driving incidents.

Mrs Elmer alleged she was driving down the slip road onto the A64 at Askham Bryan shortly after 5.30pm on December 8, 2021, when a car with headlights on full beam came behind her, went into the outside lane and then moved in front of her so close she had to brake sharply.

“It was quite frightening how close it was in front of me, it was right in front of me,” she alleged. “I was terrified, I couldn’t drive any further I was shaking so much,” she alleged.

She alleged she “just knew” it was Humphries driving the car because she got three letters of the car’s numberplate, and it was a BMW.

She said in cross-examination she didn’t see the driver.

York Press: Teesside Magistrates' CourtTeesside Magistrates' Court (Image: Staff)

She and her sons alleged she called them and they came to collect her and her car.

All three of the Elmers alleged that they were setting off for an evening out together on December 16, 2021, when they realised Humphries had parked nearby in a cul-de-sac.

They claimed she followed them along Gladstone Street and School Street on the evening of December 16, 2021.

Outside Severus Social Club in Milner Street, they alleged, she blocked them from driving further, got out of her car and came to the driver’s side of the Elmers’ car.

They claimed she opened the driver’s door, but that Jonathan Elmer, who was driving, managed to close it without catching her arm in the door, and drive off.

They claimed Humphries followed them as they went to Acomb Police Station, and were then advised by a police control operator to go to Fulford Road Police Station.

All three Elmers denied defence suggestions they had been following Humphries around Acomb.

The trial continues.