A SCHOOLBOY from York has created an inclusive treasure hunt that all youngsters can enjoy.

Sixteen-year-old Jack Taylor, a pupil at Archbishop Holgate’s School, designed the treasure hunt as part of his coursework for his business studies exam.

There are two versions – an easy one and a slightly more difficult version – and it’s all based around York city centre.

Young people from York Inspirational Kids (YIKs) post-16 group helped Jack test out his work, learning lots of new facts about the city along the way.

YIKs managing director, Ruth Thompson, said: “Our young people had an amazing time trying out the treasure hunt. It was a lot of fun, we really enjoyed working with Jack and being official testers for him.”

Wheelchair user Jack, who has just finished Year 11, has spent the last year working on his project.

He said: “I really enjoyed putting the treasure hunt together and coming up with different questions.

“I found it really interesting and I’m glad my friends had fun with it too.”