NEW electric buses launched in York are a "huge disappointment" to the city's disabled community, according to a campaigner.

As reported by The Press on Friday (August 25), First Bus and City of York Council 'switched on' a new fleet of zero emission buses for the city in a £23 million investment.

The scheme is set see York's First Bus depot become the first outside London to be fully electric before the end of the year - in a move branded a major step in meeting targets to reduce carbon emissions in York.

However, disability rights activist Flick Williams said the new fleet was a "missed opportunity" to help people with disabilities.

She said: “The new buses unveiled today are a huge disappointment for York’s disabled community. The new design is a litany of missed opportunity for accessibility improvements.

"They have none of the enhanced features showcased by the new Manchester buses such as two wheelchair spaces, improved colour contrast, a bell push on every seat, electronic ramps and priority seats clearly identified by the headrests.

York Press: Flick Williams with one of the new busesFlick Williams with one of the new buses

"Worse still the positioning of poles make it much harder for wheelchair users to manoeuvre into the space compared with the current electric buses serving Park&Ride. The assurances given since ZEBRA (Zero Emission Buses Regional Area) funding was announced have proved disappointingly hollow.”

A spokesperson for First York said: “The bus design we selected from the manufacturer meets all disability access requirements. The position of the poles has also been modified after consultation with disability groups.

"We are always interested to hear feedback from users to help us consider further modifications in the future.”


Cllr Claire Douglas, leader of City of York Council, said she had raised the issue of disabled access with First Bus's managing director and commercial director, Andrew Cullen and Kayleigh Ingham.

She said: "Whilst the rollout of an electric fleet is a welcome improvement for the city, we are disappointed that more hasn’t been done to reflect previous requests to improve accessibility.

"As we know this was much less of a priority for the old Liberal Democrat administration, in charge at the time these buses were ordered.

“I have been clear with officers that any further orders for new buses for York need to improve access for disabled people so there is greater on-board capacity for wheelchair users.”

Liberal Democrat transport spokesperson, Cllr Stephen Fenton, said: “The previous administration worked with First York to ensure that the bus design met access requirements, in consultation with disability groups.

"Further engagement with operators to improve accessibility across all of York’s public transport would obviously be welcomed. The transition to an all-electric fleet of buses in York is key to delivering our climate change ambitions, and it is disappointing to see the new Labour administration talk down this achievement.”