BIN strikes by workers employed by Urbaser on behalf of the North Yorkshire unitary authority have ended after an improved pay deal was secured.

Binmen working for Urbaser walked out in Selby earlier this month – prompting a notice from the council about the impact on non-recyclable waste collection. This followed two one-day strikes at the end of June.

But, now workers voted to accept a deal, which will see pay increase by eight per cent backdated to April for all workers. Drivers will also see their bonus for this year consolidated into basic pay, meaning their wages will increase by 15.1 per cent.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Urbaser’s Selby workforce were determined to win a fair pay deal and they should be applauded for standing firm in their union and achieving this excellent result.

"Once again, Unite’s unrelenting focus on improving jobs, pay and conditions is winning for workers.”

York Press: Binmen in Selby went on strike earlier this month and in JuneBinmen in Selby went on strike earlier this month and in June (Image: Newsquest)

In addition to the deal, a single payment of £57.45 will be applied when collection crews are reduced from three workers to two. These payments will be backdated for every instance of reduced crew working since April.

Unite regional coordinating officer Richard Bedford said: “Our members would like to thank the Labour councillors on Conservative controlled North Yorkshire council for applying pressure on the company, as well as the public for their support.

"This win shows that those who want to improve their wages and working lives should join Unite and get their colleagues to do the same.”